Saturday, 28 July 2012

Mission 5 Scoreboard

How it stands after 5 missions

Thursday, 26 July 2012

SCRAMBLE! SCRAMBLE! (if you can see)

July 11, 1940
Short Stukas and 109's are inbound for Portland

"Don't stand and tell, ring the bell like 'ell!!!!!"


Stukas escorted by 109's have been picked up on radar headed for Portland apparently. Spits from Middle Wallop and Hurricanes from Tangmere are called upon to intercept them and prevent them from doing any damage.

Interesting weather, low cloud at 1000ft, headed for Portland Bill. Tried to find the enemy, but the weather had other ideas. 51 and 331 managed to find the Stukas and got in amongst them downing a fair number.

Back to base on fumes for a landing, but spotting a high contact, it had to be investigated. All four of 92 took off. At 13000ft I ran out of fuel and had to perform my first dead stick for years. All the practise in RoF is paying off, as I didn't even bounce the Spit.

Good flying all. Apollo, 5 kills in a mission.... Nice.

Stats here:

Proper cloud cover.... Splash and Keets after the first landing.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Back to Bob

Cracking mission Brigstock. Rolling back the years. :)

In the screenie, got to laugh at Redundants request to the IL2 weather gods to improve the weather.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Mission 4 Scoreboard

Mission 4.....what a scrap that was!!

Good day for the Baron

Last nights mission was a cracker very immersive, even with the 5 restarts we needed to get us all in the air. :)

Pax, Bob, Thor, WB, yours truly and Joe90 headed off to escort 54 squadron on a balloon bust, which included "Pax tours of Cambrai".

It was quite choppy weather en-route to the target, too choppy for Thor who had to disco. The restart dance had caused him to stay up way past his bedtime and was in danger of nodding off in his cockpit. He retired for stories, warm cocoa and his teddy bear.

It became apparent from the in game messages that the bosche (Splash, Brigstock, Meako and Paf) were engaged with 54 squadron and we were in danger of being late. Afterburners lit, all spare weight chucked over the side and hunkered down behind the windscreen we headed for the balloon max chat. 90 mph doesn't really seem that fast, but it felt like the wings were going to come off.

Good call by Joe90 on spotting the contacts near the balloon we decended and engaged.

After a hairy moment in the cloud, I spotted a lone red contact below. Some really good teamwork with WB, we took it in turns to batter the red DIII and had the Baron smoking and on the run. WB called "clear" and I dropped in to deliver the coup-de-grace. With his sweaty swede in my sights, I was about to pepper everywhere but the target, when I got a disco error.

Swearing like Dick Dastardly, I stayed on comms to hear WB spot another Jasta had turned up and the air was thick with bad guys.

Deciding it was better to live and fight another day, there was a quick recall and back to base for tea and medals.

Great mission and good to see 10 EAF pilots in.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Mission 3

Monday, 9 July 2012

Beware the Hun in the Sun

Unless it's me, of course, I can't shoot for shit :)

Friday, 6 July 2012

Mission 2 Scoreboard

Scoreboard after mission 2 

Thursday, 5 July 2012

On patrol en route to the front.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

First Mission Results

First Mission Results